team building i Kobenhavn
Om 14 resultater.
Ytting Team&Building
Dronning Olgas Vej 20A, st., 2000 Frederiksberg, DanmarkEfter årevis som tryg lønslave, er jeg blevet kastet ud i den meget fleksible og disciplinkrævende selvstændighed. Heldigvis er der 2 ting jeg er god til!
Ved Slusen 8, 2450 København, Danmarkjeres næste firma arrangement; polterabend; team building; sejl
Creative Roots Collective Urbanism
Café Ved Buen, Bispeengen 1, st. tv., 2000 Frederiksberg, DanmarkCreative Roots is an international organisation for co-creative and tactical urban transformation.
Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter A/S
Vesterbrogade 95 A, 4., 1620 Copenhagen, DanmarkDorte Mandrup A/S is an international practice, based in Copenhagen, Denmark, founded by Dorte Mandrup in 1999.
Templafy ApS
Østergade 36, 3., DK-1100 København, DanmarkTemplafy is the simple way to manage and share company templates. On-brand, compliant and personalized for each employee.
ExitGames - Live Escape Game Copenhagen
Fredericiagade 30, 1310 Copenhagen, DanmarkLive Escape Game Copenhagen
Tårnby Curling Club
Røllikevej 3, 2770 Kastrup, DanmarkArrangementer for firmaer, selskaber eller venner. årlig bonspiel Tårnby Cup. Professionel træning faciliteter Corporate or social curling for companies, groups or friends. Annual bonspiel Tårnb…
Kastrup Curlinghal
Røllikevej 3, 2770 Kastrup, DanmarkArrangementer for firmaer, selskaber eller venner. årlig bonspiel Tårnby Cup. Professionel træning faciliteter Corporate or social curling for companies, groups or friends. Annual bonspiel Tårnb…
Improv Comedy Copenhagen - ICC Theatre
Frederiksholms Kanal 2, 1220 København, DanmarkThe first Improv Theatre and Training Center in Denmark. Shows every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 20:00. Awarded BEST STAGE in Copenhagen
Dissing+Weitling arkitektfirma
Artillerivej 86, 2300 København, DanmarkDISSING+WEITLING is a renowned, award-winning Danish architecture office based in Copenhagen. We design buildings and bridges in Denmark and worldwide.
Danielsen Architecture A/S
Wildersgade 7, 1408 Copenhagen, DanmarkDanielsen Architecture, founded in 1987, has its main office in Copenhagen (Denmark). The practice works internationally providing full architecture services for both the public and private secto…
Danielsen Architecture A/S
Wildersgade 7, 1408 Copenhagen, DanmarkDanielsen Architecture, founded in 1987, has its main office in Copenhagen (Denmark). The practice works internationally providing full architecture services for both the public and private secto…
Handmade in Italy - Deluxe handcrafted sneakers - Single pieces for people who are looking for individuality in the crowd.